Olive Branch Mom
Is it hard for you as a busy mom and modern woman to grow in faith and find peace in the chaos? Go from surviving to abiding with Catholic mom of 4 and religion teacher Bridgette Adler from Ponder & Praise, and her spiritually focused co-host Amy Strauss, as we discuss fresh perspectives and practical advice for modern moms of all ages.

Friday Jul 29, 2022
”Meditations Before Mass” Part 7
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Amy and Bridgette discuss Chapters 14-15: "The Word of Praise" and "The Word of Entreaty" of "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini. Topics include praise in prayer, the nature of God's love, and the power of being fully present. How can we know God better through our own preparation and participation? How does history relate to the words we speak at mass? Does God meet us wherever we look?
Mentioned in this episode:
Powers and Thrones: A New History of the Middle Ages
Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini

Saturday Jul 23, 2022
”Meditations Before Mass” Part 6
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
How can sacred acts–spontaneous or instituted--draw us deeper into connection with Christ? Amy and Bridgette discuss chapters 12 and 13: The Sacred Act and the Executory Word of "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini. Could allowing yourself to be drawn into the natural rhythms of life inspire greater participation in your faith life? What is the role of children as our guides? How can sacred words connect you to all believers, across time, while bringing you more fully into participation in the mass? How does the priest, acting in his office, "execute"the word and will of God?

Friday Jul 15, 2022
”Meditations Before Mass” Part 5
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Amy and Bridgette discuss Chapters 10 and 11: Holy Day and The Holy Day and the Sacred Hour of "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini. How can keeping a Sabbath day help us nurture a sense of wonder and connection to God? Can a holy day give us a space to safely dealing with negative feelings? We also discuss the mass as a brief moment in time that encompasses eternity and briefly touch on the Montessorian concept of Cosmic Education. Is science just another religion...ie set of beliefs?
Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini
Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? and Other Questions from the Astronomers' Inbox at the Vatican Observatory by Guy Consolmagno and Paul Mueller

Monday Jul 11, 2022
”Meditations Before Mass” Part 4
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Amy and Bridgette discuss Chapters 8-9: "The Altar as Threshold" and "The Altar as Table" of "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini. Topics include prayer and mass as a means of contact and encounter with God. How can we come to know God better through His Son? What is "mystery" and what are the benefits of pondering the mysteries of our faith? How does our own human nature help but also detract from our relationship with God?
Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini

Friday Jul 01, 2022
”Meditations Before Mass” Discussion Part 3
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Amy and Bridgette discuss Chapters 6 and 7: "The Offertory" and "The Sacrifice" of "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini. How can mindfulness and being "in the moment" lead to an enhanced level of participation in mass and in life? We discuss spontaneous gratitude vs routine thanksgiving and the soul benefits of service. Can negative opinions about the word "obedience" hamper our ability for true freedom?
Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
”Meditations Before Mass” Discussion Part 2
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Amy and Bridgette discuss Chapters 4-5: "Composure" and "Composure and Action" of "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini. How is composure related to mindfulness and what can it teach us about being fully present? What is the value of work and how can creativity increase our daily joy and lessen anxiety?
Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
”Meditations Before Mass” Discussion Part 1
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Amy and Bridgette discuss "Meditations Before Mass" by Romano Guardini. This episode covers chapters 1-3: "Stillness", "Stillness and the Word", and "Silence and Hearing". How are stillness and silence much more than the absence of sound? How can thinking of stillness in a positive manner add to our ability to be fully present? Does attentiveness reveal hidden depths? How are silence and speech intertwined? How can the spoken word increase our connection to God?
Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Stillness Diet: Techniques for Life
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Wrapping up our Stillness Diet series, Bridgette and Amy provide final thoughts on the everyday use of stillness, presence and mindfulness going forward in life. Features special advice to new moms!

How to Find Peace in the Chaos
Hi friend! Welcome to the Olive Branch Mom podcast. My name is Bridgette Adler, a Catholic mom of 4 turned religion teacher. Each week you'll hear interviews, tips and strategies to grow in faith and find inner peace. Join me and my co-host Amy Strauss while we discuss spiritual perspectives to enhance your motherhood and support you as a woman.